Entrance Bus to the Gorge in the Philippines

Entrance Bus to the Gorge in the Philippines

A total of 19 people were killed in a bus accident near Sablayan Town, Mindanao, Philippines, Tuesday, March 20, 2018, night. The passenger-laden bus entered the ravine on the way to Manila.

Regional police spokesperson, Imelda Tolentino, said the bus lost control when crossing the mountain roads into a 15-meter-deep ravine. The position of the bus ends the cliff base between the trees.

"The police are still investigating why a driver could lose control, whether there is a technical problem or he is sleepy," Tolentino said.

The officers worked hard down to the bottom of the cliff and lifted the corpse up.

This incident adds to the list of deadly bus passengers in the Philippines. In 2014, a total of 41 people were killed, including foreigners, after the bus they climbed into the abyss. Then, 31 people were killed in a collision in April last year.


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